Home » How to Get a Job in Another State? 9 Experts Tips

How to Get a Job in Another State? 9 Experts Tips

Are you looking to get a job in another state or city from the one you’re currently living in but don’t know what to do? Don’t fret; many people are also in the same dilemma, not knowing how to go about their job search in another city. Should they quit their present job? Should they move to the new city first? These are some of the most common confusions people have concerning getting a job in another city.

There are so many reasons you may be looking for a job in a different state or city, but one thing remains, this is no mean fit, especially if you’ve never been to the new city and know no one there. Nevertheless, many people have taken this path to career growth. With better preparation, you can make your job search faster, the whole process easier, and the transition less challenging.

In general, looking for a new job is challenging, especially high paying and highly sought-after. When looking for a job in a new city, you may have to do more because of the extra obstacles like the distance you’ll encounter. Before we see ways to get a job in another state, let’s look at why you may be looking for a job in a different location.

Why You May Need a Job in Another State?

Relocating is a challenging thing to do, but it gets even more complicated if you have to get a job in the new city first. You may get a few stares and “what is wrong with this person” looks when you mention you’re looking for a job in a new city but don’t let that discourage you. There are several reasons people may want a new job in a different city. Here are some of the more common reasons:

  • You Need a Fresh Start: People may just want to experience a new place and a breath of fresh air. After staying a long time in an area, you may want to change the environment.
  • Looking for an Area with a More Extensive Job Pool: There are states with higher opportunities for specific job roles. People may want to look for jobs in these places to increase their chances of getting a good job.
  • To be Closer to the Family: People who have been away from family for a long time may be looking to move closer home by getting a job. Family is a strong reason many people look for a job in a new place.

How to Get a Job in Another State?

How to Get a Job in Another State

There are ways to make your job search in another city easier and more effective. These ways have been tested by a lot of similar job seekers and recommended by several experts.

#1. Research


Before you start your job hunt, research is vital—research based on the reason for relocating. Say you’re relocating in search of a better paying job, you can study the new environment for the places with a concentration of more high paying jobs for your industry. You can also consider areas with low costs of living to utilize your income better.

Your research is slightly different if you’re moving to join a partner or stay close to family. Here, you need to research the family member’s location and nearby places for jobs in your industry.

You can do this for any reason you may have for relocating.

#2. Join Groups Specific to the New City

To get job opportunities in the proposed city, join groups, email lists, and communities. Connect with professionals in the new town and improve your network. These places also carry new opportunities in the city.

Go through the job postings and apply accordingly, interact and contribute to the discussions and introduce yourself to interesting people, especially people already working in companies you’d like to join or in related fields.

#3. Update Your Resume

Update Your Resume

After getting sufficient information from the research, you can now move to updating your resume. The update should be in the address section. There are two things you can do. You can either take out your address entirely or mention you’re willing to move, and you’ll handle all expenses.

Most recruiters disqualify candidates that are not in the city. They do this as they may not want to bear the cost of relocating the person because of the time constraint. Physical interviews may take longer to schedule, and relocation takes time. Removing the address entirely will give you a chance to progress further without being pulled down by your location. You can also state how you plan to attend interviews if necessary and that you’ll be taking care of all relocation expenses.

Adding the reason for relocating in your cover letter will also help.

#4. Make a List of 2-3 Companies You Like

Make a List of 2-3 Companies You Like

A scatter-gun approach is not always the best option. From your research, you have an idea of companies you’ll be interested in joining. Select the best 2-3 companies you really like the most and set out a plan. The plan here is not to sit idle waiting for an opportunity to open up in these companies but to seek out ways to get noticed.

You can start by connecting with people in these companies and letting them know you’d like to join the company. You can also seek out informational interviews instead of waiting for a job opening. Informational interviews put you on a list where recruiters will typically call you first if there’s an opening. The point is to be proactive and seek out ways to position yourself for any possible opening.

#5. Use Your Network

Use Your Network

If you have family, friends, or old classmates in the new city, you should reach out to them about your plans to move and your job search in their city. You can go through your LinkedIn for contacts in these places.

Another good way to go about it if you’ve let your employers know about your move is to ask co-workers and bosses for connections where possible. You’ll be surprised by how far you’ll go, especially if you’ve been outstanding in your workplace.

#6. Ask For a Transfer

Ask For a Transfer

Big companies may have branches in more than one place. If you’re currently employed, and your company has a branch in the new city you’re moving to, you can ask for a transfer instead of quitting and looking for a new job. This will be easier if you’ve proven to be an excellent asset to the company.

This is a less stressful way of getting a job in a new city but severely limited to big companies with several branches across different cities. Including the reason you want to move to a new state is essential to your transfer request.

#7. Ask For Remote Opportunity

Ask For Remote Opportunity

Depending on the nature of your job and your importance to your company, there may be an opportunity to take work remotely. This way you keep your job even after leaving to a new state. Bear in mind not all positions can work remotely as some jobs require a hands-on approach.

Ask your current employers if you can work remotely from your new state. Do not forget to include the reason for relocating.

#8. Be Prepared to Sell How You Can be Successful Even in a New Location

Be Prepared to Sell How You Can be Successful Even in a New Location

Moving to a new state is stressful, and people typically take some time to get used to the change of environment. Employers may not have the patience to wait; they may be looking for someone who will hit the ground running immediately.

You should be prepared to sell how you can hit the ground running and avoid the common problems people that move cities face. You can cite examples of how you’ve previously utilized the power of a new location to significant effects.

#9. Budget Properly

Budget Properly

Moving to a new state requires a lot of money more often than not, and most recruiters expect employees looking to move to cater for their expenses. Except where clearly stated, employers will not pay for your relocation. So, you must plan and budget accordingly.

The budget should include relocation and interview costs. You may have to fly out to the new state for an interview. It is best to plan out a couple of interviews if possible so you can do more than one when you come in and save cost in the process. Bear in mind that this is not always possible, so adjust your budget accordingly.


Looking for a job in a new state can be challenging, but by practicing the expert tips above, you can make the process easier. These tips are valid whether you currently have a job or not.