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Wrapping Up: How To End An Interview Professionally

A proper ending to an interview is as crucial as an appropriate beginning to a discussion. Unfortunately, most candidates pay more attention to creating the right impression when they enter the room and what they will say during the interview but need to pay attention to how to wrap up the discussion just as well.

As a result, they fumble about what they will say when the interview is almost over. An excellent interview is often ruined at the last moment because of awkward statements or misplaced silences.

A good candidate should prepare for every minute of the interview, including the closing moments. It will give off the impression that you think about things thoroughly and also send a positive signal to your recruiters. It shows that you are meticulous about everything; the recruiters will know that it will also translate into your work.

When you close an interview correctly, it exponentially increases your chances of landing the job. You can also go home relaxed, as it will give you the confidence to prepare for the following stages by ending the interview on a high note.

Why is Ending The Interview Properly so Important?

Why is Ending The Interview Properly so Important

Depending on how you ended your interview, your recruiter can ask you additional questions that could pave the way for getting the job. It allows you to end the discussion on a high note.

Your recruiters will mark you among the other candidates as someone who brought something different. They will see you as someone eager not just to impress but genuinely to see through the process and sustain their good performance.

You will set the bar very high when you wrap up an interview properly. Any candidate who comes in after that must live up to those expectations. When you exit the room creating a great impression, your interviewers will also look for those qualities in others. If they fail to do so, it will further increase your chances of landing the job.

Tips to End an Interview on a High Note

Many people feel at a loss about what to say or do once the main questions are over and it is time to leave. Here is what you can do to wrap up the interview professionally and make it work.

1. Ask Pertinent Questions

Once the interviewers are done asking questions, you should ask your questions. Showing genuine interest will prove that this is not just another job for you but that you are motivated to contribute towards the company’s growth and enhance your prospects simultaneously.

That establishes you as someone who wants to stay long-term with the organization, and recruiters always look forward to such candidates.

2. Summarize The Main Points

Summarize The Main Points
Image Source: theladders.com

Your interviewer will question multiple candidates throughout the day. Many of them will also be asked the same questions. Hence, if you made some interesting points or something different came up during your interview, summarize them while wrapping up.

It will reinstate how you are different from other applicants and refresh their memory of how you are different from others.

3. Reinstate Your Interest

While the fact that you have applied to the organization and appeared for the interview shows your interest in the company, it is vital to establish that you are looking forward to joining the team because you genuinely believe you can contribute to its growth and ensure its personal development.

Establish that this is not just employment for you but that you are interested in joining the company for specific reasons and state them.

4. Maintain Eye Contact

Maintain Eye Contact

Keeping a good attitude and eye contact until the end of the interview is crucial to having your own until the end.

Many candidates, who struggle with self-confidence, somehow manage to finish the interview and give the impression that it was a task they just had to get done with.

They look visibly relieved to get over and done with the interview, and that does not bode well with the interviewers. Hence, it is crucial to maintain eye contact and hold on to a cheerful demeanor till the very end.

5. Curb Your Nervousness

It is alright to be nervous during an interview. But it is one thing to keep your nervousness under control and quite another to work through it and find meaningful ways of dealing with it.

Sometimes, especially when interviews are extended, some candidates find it too stressful, and eventually, their restlessness and nervousness show through. It can hurt your performance, despite having started well.

Instead, tell yourself that the interview has been going on for so long because the recruiters want to know more about you as they see you as a viable candidate. Make it work to your advantage, and use that to fight your nervousness.

6. Get a Business Card

Get a Business Card

Getting a business card to keep in touch with your interviewers is vital. While you can always call the office, you may need help locating the person who took your interview amidst the large workforce.

You can contact your interviewers later to follow up. Even if you are not selected, you can ask them for feedback and their insights on your performance so you can make improvements the next time you appear for an interview.

7. Ask About The Next Steps

While wrapping up the interview, always ask about the next steps. Even if your interviewers tell you you will be contacted from the office for the interview results, you can still ask politely what the subsequent phases entail.

It will indicate that you are already looking forward to the next phase and demonstrates your eagerness to work for the company.

8. Send a Thank You Email

Send a Thank You Email

Your interview does not end with the discussion itself. Sending an email thanking your recruiters is a mark of politeness and respect. You can also use this opportunity to connect with your recruiters outside the office, and you can follow up as well.

The email needs to be brief; even a few lines will go a long way to show that you are interested in the role.

Questions You Can Ask About The Company While Closing The Interview

Questions You Can Ask About The Company While Closing The Interview

At the end of every interview, a recruiter will often ask candidates if they have any questions or want to clear any doubts. It’s your cue to ask questions to your interviewer, and this is where your interviewing skills come in useful.

It’s especially important if you eye a senior position someday and will interview candidates. Your interviewers will also watch how you handle this phase.

Hence, use this opportunity wisely by asking general questions about the company and the answers you could have received online. Or by asking questions about salaries and promotions.

  • While these are important, you must also ask unique questions to help you stand out. Here are some of them.
  • What are some of the industry’s challenges, and how are they affecting your company?
  • How do you expect the new candidates to overcome these challenges and contribute towards creating sustainable solutions?
  • What kind of growth can I expect in your company in three to five years?
  • What kind of company culture do you promote, and how do employees benefit from it?
  • Do you think your company has any shortcomings? If yes, how do you plan to mitigate them for the growth of new candidates like us?
  • What are some challenges working in the job role I am interviewed for?
  • What would you say is the best thing about working for this organization?

However, note that the questions you ask are based on what was said during the interview and should align with the position you are applying for.

It would be best to want to know the answers and offer solutions sincerely and genuinely. You should also sound confident while asking the question. You can also ask follow-up questions based on their responses so your interview ends naturally.

What to Say to an Interviewer at The End of The Interview?

What to Say to an Interviewer at The End of The Interview

Once the interview is over and you leave the room, say something positive to the interviewer while shaking their hands and making eye contact. Shake their hands firmly, and you can say something like:

  • “Thank you for your time, and it was a pleasure talking to you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.”
  • “I hope our interaction yielded something fruitful, and I look forward to future associations.”
  • “I had a wonderful time speaking to all of you, and thank you for allowing me to express my views. I am looking forward to our future interactions.”

It shows that you are confident about your performance and believe in your abilities. You do not come across as needy who is waiting for employment, but someone who is eager to join a growing team and has enough self-worth to see themselves as a valuable part of the organization.

It shows the right mindset that can propel an individual forward and will be a refreshing change from what the recruiters are generally used to seeing. When you leave the room after saying this, your recruiters will consider you worthy of being a part of the team.


It does not matter which position you are applying for. Whether it is a senior or a junior position or even if you are interviewing within your organization for a higher position and where everyone knows you, ending the interview properly can become a crucial turning point.

Some candidates might have performed poorly during the interview or could have made some mistakes during the hiring process but have managed to turn things around at the very end while wrapping up the interview. Hence, considering how you want to wrap up the discussion professionally and well will work in your favor.