Home » Time For Change: 10 Things Companies Should Stop Doing In 2023

Time For Change: 10 Things Companies Should Stop Doing In 2023

When it comes to modern workplaces, a lot has changed since the pandemic. Employers are looking for new ways to keep their employee engagement high. Yet, certain things aren’t working like they used to before the pandemic.

That is because the employee mindset has changed drastically since the pandemic. And it would be wrong to enforce the same rules that were in place before 2020. Now, everyone can see that as long as work gets done and the customer is satisfied, there is no reason to force employees to do things that inadvertently bring down their productivity.

Young employees today are more aware of the global workforce scenario than ever before. The new-age employees look beyond their jobs, know about global industry changes, and know where the sector is headed, even before joining their first jobs.

Hence, through extensive research, they know what will and what will not work for them. So it’s time for the companies to bring about changes if they want to tap into the global talent pool.

Why Should Companies Stop Doing Some Things in 2023?

Several employees have had to take a pay cut during the pandemic. Many had lost their jobs and had to look for novel ways of getting employed again. Some had changed industries, and some had taken new courses to increase their chances of getting hired.

Although these were setbacks, it has made the employees bolder and more experimental than ever. They know they will survive, no matter what. And as a result, they are less willing to put up with outdated workplace regulations. Hence, it is time to do away with some practices in 2023 if employers want to retain their employees.

If companies do not change, employees will leave and join their rivals. They will work for those companies where they are seen and heard and aren’t always asked to follow management rules to the tee.

Senior management needs to change their worldview to stay relevant in modern times. Or else they will end up losing talented employees because of their rigid outlook.

Things Companies Should Stop Doing in 2023

Just because a company has been doing certain things for a very long time doesn’t mean it should continue doing so in the future. Here are some things companies should stop doing and consider changing in 2023.

1. Fixed Time Schedules

Fixed Time Schedules

Hybrid workplaces are the workplaces of the future. After the pandemic, it has become increasingly apparent that as long as employees aren’t compromising on the quality of their work and meeting deadlines, their physical presence in the office is unimportant.

Employees have become more productive because they no longer suffer burnout from unnecessary travel and working long hours. Your employees will do more for you if you give them more flexible work hours.

2. Unnecessary Reports

Many organizations still lose valuable time and resources in preparing unnecessary reports. Even when everything is digitalized, making month-end, quarterly and yearly reports often become time-consuming. Investing in automated systems can leave your employees to utilize their time better.

The same goes for unnecessary paperwork, documentation procedures, and filing. It does not mean cataloging data is not important. But, you should find better ways of doing so if your employees constantly complain about them.

3. Information Overload

Information Overload

Companies should stop putting extra information in the name of better communication. At times, managers give the entire team so much information that the team members often have difficulty sieving out the bits relevant to their tasks.

While communication is key to better business operations, information overload can overwhelm your employees. Companies should find more effective ways of communicating what they want and streamlining the information. That will help in the better execution of tasks and help employees follow instructions in a better way.

4. Poor Task Delegation

Companies should improve how they delegate tasks. Most of the time, they are not even aware that the tasks aren’t being allocated properly.

It often results in employees’ creativity getting throttled and their talents under-utilized. Employees are told to do things outside their initial job description, and they become disillusioned with their work.

The result is poor-quality output, because of which managers often blame them for lack of motivation. Tapping on to employee talent and giving them tasks apt for them is something that companies should be more mindful about.

5. Not Investing in Leaders

Not Investing in Leaders

Another mistake that companies should stop making is not investing in leaders. Managers are essential for a company, but they usually follow orders according to the hierarchy. All they do is ensure the tasks are allocated, and the project is completed within the deadline.

However, they don’t think out of the box. True leaders, on the other hand, are visionaries who lead by example. But most of the time, companies don’t invest time in leaders because some in the management feel insecure about their progress or don’t like change.

Investing in leaders who come up with new ideas and set an example from the forefront should be cherished and motivated by companies.

6. Making Unreasonable Demands

Companies should stop making unreasonable demands on their employees. Employees are often forced to do things for the sake of rules or because employees feel that is how they get to control their juniors.

For example, there are often unproductive office meetings that could be easily conducted online. Moreover, it doesn’t improve the quality of their work in any way.

Employees lose valuable time attending meetings when they can complete more important tasks.

At the same time, it’s unfair to demand that employees complete their projects flawlessly while arbitrarily changing rules and deadlines. These are issues that can be tackled with better organization at every level and by prioritizing the quality of work and employee satisfaction.

7. Ignoring Employee Health

Ignoring Employee Health

Companies should stop ignoring the mental and physical well-being of their employees. It is wrong to assume that the company is taking care of its employees by giving them a monthly spa session coupon or by hiring an in-office therapist. These perks have zero benefits if you keep pushing your employees to their limits by piling work on them and stressing them out.

The therapy and massage sessions will be a temporary band-aid unless you overhaul the work culture and analyze the underlying issues. If your employees feel safe and work stress-free, that is the biggest perk you can provide them with.

8. Poor Foresight

Companies should have more foresight about the future, which will prevent many unnecessary organizational changes. Change, just for the sake of it, results in more confusion rather than offering a meaningful and long-term solution.

For example, they often make their employees undergo a course, assuming this would help them be more useful and productive. However, by the time the employees have completed the course and are ready to implement their new-found knowledge, something else has already emerged on the horizon, which makes their newly-acquired skills redundant.

Change is necessary, but change with foresight could save valuable time and resources. 

9. Organizational Politics

Organizational Politics

Companies should stop organizational politics in their office. Voting for incompetent managers, prioritizing profits over employees or customers, and hiring employees on references only and not their merit are some things that can spell doom for a company in the long run.

It is time to do away with organizational malpractices that can disillusion employees. A company must stay true to its core values and thwart any politics that put them at risk.

10. Promoting Toxic Behavior

Most importantly, companies should stop promoting toxic behavior of any kind. It could be any form of discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, disability, or sexuality, the discrepancy in pay due to gender biases, covering up sexual harassment, or promoting unhealthy competition.

Bosses should stop harassing their employees by misusing their power. Employee complaints should be looked into and solved. It will result in a happier work environment.

What Makes a Company a Dream Organization to Work in?

What Makes a Company a Dream Organization to Work in

For a company to become an organization that employees want to join voluntarily, it is important to be dynamic yet have firm ground rules. The amalgamation of both will help them carve an identity of their own.

Employees want to feel proud of what they are doing and who they are working for, so you need to change your company into a brand. Multinational corporations that have global headquarters are not built in a day.

However, you can still become a coveted company, even if you are a small-scale business in your community. Your work ethic will draw talented employees to your organization and help your company expand.

And for that, employees should want to work for you not out of fear or for the money but because they genuinely believe that the company’s growth will also result in their personal and professional goals.

Once employees feel they don’t have to work under pressure, they will be more productive. Providing them with a stress-free environment to work in is one of the best things you can do for employee retention.


Trust your employees to do their job well and support their growth. If companies stop doing the things mentioned earlier, they will see a huge boost in employee productivity. It will translate to more profitability and the resulting expansion of the company.

Your employees will deliver better results. They won’t just work for you for the perks and promotions but because they know that the organization’s growth is synonymous with their own. So once companies stop doing certain things in the future, they will be better off for it.