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How to Tell a Recruiter You Are Not Interested in a Position?

We all have come across in our life where we are already working, but we still receive some notifications or emails from the HR  of other organizations. Sometimes we get incredibly shocked, as we have not applied for any company. But you know what, it’s completely normal!

Everyone faces this, and you should be proud of that because the recruiter thinks that you are a suitable candidate for the job profile they are looking for. This also gives a message that you have specific skill sets that make you unique from the other candidates, that even if you are not applying, the recruiters want to hire you.

How Should You Respond to the Recruiters When They Contact You Through These Platforms?

How Should You Respond to the Recruiters When They Contact You Through These Platforms?
Image Credit: https://firsthand.co

Today in this social world, the recruiters have many options from where they can search the talents or suitable candidates for the job. They might come across your resume on LinkedIn, website bio, etc. Most of the time, we have a habit of ignoring these offers/messages, etc.

Still, suppose a particular company or organization continuously sends you emails. In that case, you should reply to them with respect and update them about what you are doing in your life. It may happen that they are rooting on you, so it’s always ethical to update them about your professional life.

Make sure that it doesn’t sound so rude or self-involved whenever you apply. Still, it shall give them an update about how you are not ready to leave your current job. However, you appreciate them for considering you a better candidate.

This way, you wouldn’t miss out on the future opportunities you can get from the same company. It also adds that if you leave your current job, you still have an option to send your resume or to inform them about your availability and interest in joining their organization.

Few Tips For Speaking to Recruiters When You’re Not Interested in a Position

Few Tips for Speaking to Recruiters When You’re Not Interested in a Position
Image Credit: https://ttiofusa.com

There are several ways of declining the job opportunities provided by a recruiter. But sometimes, it may sound rude even if we don’t know to want to do so. This will automatically negatively impact your attitude in the industry, and believe me; nobody wants that. By doing this, you can miss out on several opportunities in your life which do not add anything good to your personality.

So it’s always better to prepare before sending a mail or responding to the messages by a recruiter, especially when you know that organization is one of the best organizations present in the market.

In this article, we will be giving you a few tips for speaking to recruiters when you are not interested in a position. We will look into this by assuming a situation to understand better how you should respond to their emails or messages.

1. When You Don’t Want to Leave Your Current Job

Most of the time, you don’t want to leave your current job because you are too comfortable or the company provides you with enough opportunities to satisfy your soul. You believe that the organization you are currently working on is the best for you, and the paycheck is good enough that you don’t have to search for a new job.

So you can simply reply to the recruiter about how happy you are in your current position and why you don’t want to leave it. Furthermore, never forget to thank them for reaching out to you, and you appreciate the inquiry.

If you have recently joined your current job, you can also tell them about all the circumstances like your bond, etc. In addition to this, you can add that if the recruiter wants, you are happy to refer this job to someone of your known who might have been interested in this job profile.

2. If the Job Profile or Description Does not Excite You or You are not Interested in That Job

In these job descriptions, you can simply say something about your field and why this field doesn’t interest you or is out of your area of expertise. You can politely tell them that you are thankful for considering your job profile. Still, you cannot provide such services or creativity to this field as compared to any other candidate who has some area of expertise and interest in this kind of work.

3. If the Job Description Requires You to Travel and You Don’t Have Any Interest in Traveling

 If the Job Description Requires You to Travel and You Don't Have Any Interest in Traveling
Image Credit: https://www.thebalancecareers.com

You can simply thank the company for offering you the job opportunity in such circumstances. Furthermore, you should always include that the job description excites you and is also one of your areas of expertise, but you are not interested in traveling.

Lastly, don’t forget to thank them and ask them if there’s any more opportunity that does not require traveling. This will give a strong message to the recruiter that you are interested in working with them, but you are only not interested in traveling. Apart from that everything is good for you.

4. When You Think That You are Overqualified For the Job and the Payment is Not Great

Every day several peoples or job candidates face this issue. So you don’t have to be shocked about it, and you don’t have to be ashamed about talking about this matter directly to that recruiter.

 Provide the recruiter with a detailed explanation of how you are overqualified or have an extra bundle of skills that can benefit the organization or company. This way, you can politely tell them how you are not interested in doing the job and request further opportunities that can help you in the future.

5. When You Want to Change Your Career Path

Due to this pandemic, several people have worked on their skills and do not want to take the same career path they have completed their academics or experience. You can be one of those individuals, and it’s much better to work in a job profile that interests you or excites you so that you are happy to go to work every day.

Whenever a job recruiter sends you an e-mail or tries to communicate with you, based on the job profile and experiences you had in the past, you can simply tell them about your situation of changing your career path.

They will understand it because they know about the market and how it’s changing daily. According to market research, several people are much more interested in leaving their job and taking up other career options due to the pandemic. So, just be honest!

Real-Life Example Showing How You Should Mail the Recruiter?

Real-Life Example Showing How you Should Mail the Recruiter
Image Credit: https://www.rlcanning.com

Furthermore, the real life example is connected to the “situation” section. Means, I have listed 5 situations and how to answer them before this section.  Then the “real life example section” , which is just the format, of how to write a mail to recruiter.

Dear “recruiter name.”

I appreciate that you went through my profile and think of me as a better candidate. Thank you for this opportunity and for reaching out to me. 
Still, unfortunately, I’m currently working at this company (company name) in “this” position. I’m now not looking for a job change (state your reason).
Thank you so much for reaching out.

Thanks and regards
“Your name “

What to Do If You Accepted the Interview But Are Not Interested After Listening to Your Position?

What to do If You Accepted the Interview But are Not Interested after Listening to Your Position?
Image Credit: https://www.learnhowtobecome.org

Here we will look into a situation. In this situation, you become interested in appearing for an interview. For example, you get a call, and you feel that this job is exciting and is according to your career path.

But it may happen that initially, you were interested in that job, but somehow, you get an idea that it doesn’t suit you in the interview. Another factor that makes you nervous about this is that the interview took around 30 to 45 minutes, and you are sure enough that you will get this job.

So in this situation, you still have an option to not accept the job by simply saying that the job position is exciting, but you do not want to move forward. You can be sincere in this situation and just let them know that the interview process went smoothly, but after thinking about it, you concluded that the job is not a right fit for you.

Further, if the company has any further opportunities or options that would come in the future, you would be available even for a re-interview.

The above paragraphs best explain how you can be honest and polite in the same sentence. We hope that this might have helped you somehow because it happens with most candidates, and they don’t know how to react in that situation. So it’s always better to be completely honest with the recruiter.

Points To Keep in Mind While Replying

Points To Keep In Mind While Replying
Image Credit: https://bodylanguagecentral.com

Regardless of why you have not accepted the offer from a recruiter, you should always keep in mind a few things while replying to them. As mentioned earlier, you need to be polite while declining any kind of job offer, and in addition to that, you should also focus on other factors. These factors are listed down below:

  • Don’t blame anyone for not wanting to leave your job i want to leave the job, but my boss is very strict, and he will never want me to go. My boss will reject my request to resign. This statement shows your overconfidence and blaming your ability on others.
  • Don’t be overconfident you should never be overconfident about your skills. Telling them that you are overqualified is wholly okay, but to say that you are the only one who can do the job and they cannot find anyone else better than you show a complete personality of overconfidence in your attitude.
  • Remember to show gratitude by saying thank you so much you appreciate their time, etc. Always remain confident when you decline their request through phone calls. In addition to this, you can also say that you are happy to stay in touch with them in case of future opportunities, but currently, you are not looking for a job or a job change.
  • Be completely honest with the recruiter and let them know about the issues and the right reason why you don’t want to accept their offer. Don’t worry; the recruiter will not offend your reasons until you are honest with them and do not lie.

What You Should Not Say When Recruiters Contact You?

What You Should Not Say When Recruiters Contact You
Image Credit: https://social.hays.com

It does not matter if you talk to them through any platform. It may be a phone, website, or email, but there are certain things that you should never say in front of a recruiter when you are not interested in a job.

Being rude and thinking of yourself as a great candidate is a misconception among many job candidates. They believe that a recruiter only calls them because they are the most suitable. But little did they know that several other candidates were already lining up for the job. But being rude to a recruiter can exclude your chances of getting any opportunity from that company in the future.

Providing bluff information to the recruiter Believe me, the recruiter knows. Recruiter comes across around 100 to 200 candidates every day, and they know which candidate is making assumptions or providing false information. So it’s always better to be completely honest with the recruiter because they understand the candidate thoroughly. And if you are not interested in the job, they will not bother you. It’s their job to select the better candidates who can provide better services to the organization. So it’s the same as you doing your job in your cabins or working areas.

Pro Tips Of What You Can Do For Future Opportunities

Pro Tips Of What You Can Do For Future Opportunities
Image Credit: https://www.ewu.edu

Saving the recruiter’s contact information can also help you find future opportunities. Whenever you are stuck with a job or want to leave your job, you can directly call these recruiters and ask them about the possibilities or job openings they have in their company.

Presenting yourself in a good and polite way is always the best option to impress a recruiter. If you are polite and respect the dignity of a recruiter, then they will tell you about what’s going on and what they can expect in the future. Furthermore, saying thank you no matter what the recruiter’s reply is always beneficial for your personality.


Whenever a candidate searches for a job, they apply for multiple companies where they expect a phone call from these companies. But we all face a situation where we are not searching for a new job. However, we are still getting job phone calls, emails, or messages through different platforms of different recruiters from various organizations.

Many times, the candidates are already working in the best industry. They do not want to change their job; in this situation, candidates should be very polite and completely honest about their reasons to these recruiters. You should also save their information on your phone to simply contact them in the future if you want to change your job.

Being honest with the recruiter should always be the priority. This article tried to provide several insights about what you should and should not do whenever you decline an offer. We hope this article has helped you.