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How Long Does it Take to Hear Back From a Job Application?

Looking for a job has always been a challenging task for many. Still, it has gotten even more complicated now as more and more businesses downsize or outrightly close down due to the dwindling economy. What this means is that more people are entering the labor market looking for opportunities. Because of this knowledge, people get nervous when they do not hear back from the employer after submitting their application. It doesn’t matter even if it’s just a couple of days after; the anxiety is there, and it’ll keep growing with each passing day.

After submitting your job application, how long should you wait before getting worried about not hearing back from the recruiter? Well, it can be as early as 24 hours or up to 3 weeks. The time depends on many factors like the type of job and where you applied, among other things.

This piece seeks to clarify how long you should have to wait to hear back from a recruiter after submitting your resume.

How Long Does it Take To Hear Back From a Job Application?

How Long Does it Take

If you want to know how long it takes to hear back from an employee after submitting your application, so you do not lose your mind expecting an answer immediately, here is the place to be.

On average, it takes between 8-14 days to get a response after applying. Bear in mind that this is just an average time. It may take just 24 hours to receive a reply where there is an urgency to fill the position in a smaller organization, among other factors. It may also take up to 2 months in larger organizations like government offices, huge companies, and industries, or when there is no urgency to fill the position ASAP.

Have this at the back of your mind before you start panicking when you do not hear back from an employer.

Bonus Read: 9 Job Interview Tips To Ace Your Next Job Interview

What To do While Waiting for a Reply?

What To do While Waiting for a Reply

That period after you have submitted your resume while waiting for a reply is usually a challenging period. Instead of giving way to anxiety and worry, there are more productive things you can do.

Check the Job Posting Again

You might be wondering why you need to go back to the job posting again when you’ve already applied and should be worried about a reply; well, there are some details you may have missed in the heat of the moment when going through the job description the first time.

Some postings include when the employer plans to respond to your application. This should put your mind at rest of its not time yet. Some applications may also include a deadline for application. If you applied before the deadline, there’s a good chance that all applications will start getting reviewed once the deadline elapses.

Continue Applying for Other Jobs

No matter how much you like a particular job, it would help if you had others on your list. Not only would you be saving yourself from desperation and anxiety while waiting for the recruiter to reply, but you’ll also be increasing your likelihood of getting a job. Use the waiting period to apply for these jobs and improve your chances of landing the job one.

Putting all your eggs in one basket will only lead to desperation and sadness if you don’t get the position. Also, by occupying yourself with work, you have less time to worry about not getting a reply.

Send a Follow Up

Send a Follow Up

If you notice it is past the waiting period stated in the job posting or above the average time to hear back from an employee in cases where it is not stated in the job description, your best bet may be to send a follow-up email.

There are several types of follow-up emails you can send. But the kind we’re talking about here is the email sent to remind the employer about your application when you’ve not heard back from them within a set period.

Here is an example of a follow-up email you can send while waiting for a reply:

Subject line: Follow up on the position of Data scientist

Hello {name of recruiter}

My name is Dano Elo, and I’m sending this follow-up for the application I sent for the data scientist position in Brow inc.
My passion for Data Science has grown even further in the past years. I’ve continued to improve my knowledge by learning more about Important aspects like data security which I feel would greatly help your company.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding this position, and I’ll be more than willing to provide answers to them.

Thank you
Dani Elo

This email contains the reasons for sending the email, which is to remind the recruiter about your application. Then, more reasons you should be considered for the job before leaving the door for further conversation by opening up to more questions


While waiting for a reply from a recruiter after sending in your resume, don’t forget to relax and let too many emotions take over you. I know, I know, it’s easier said than done but trying to stay calm is an excellent first step.

This does not mean you should try to suppress your emotions, no. You can go through the feelings of disappointment, fear, or whatever you’re feeling, but don’t dwell on it. Take time out to hang out with family and friends or do whatever calms you down.

A clear and relaxed mind will put you in good stead when you’re finally called for an interview.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Reply Fast?

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Reply Fast

While some delays in receiving a reply after submitting your resume may be out of your control, like when the recruitment has been put on hold or the employee is taking time to put together a suitable package, some delays can be hastened.

You can do things to hasten the reply and remove the anxiety of waiting for an answer. Here are some of the things to do:

Improve Your Resume

The number one reason you may not be getting a quick reply or any reply at all may be because your resume is not up to standard or enchanting enough. So what do you do here? Improve your resume. Make changes that’ll set you apart from the crowd. One of the best ways to do this is by customizing your resume for the role you’re applying for instead of spamming different recruiters with the same resume.

Learn how to craft a great CV and cover letter so you can quickly tweak it whenever there’s a job opening.

Improve Your Network

No matter how you try to deny it, but getting a job through a referral is by far easier and straightforward than not. Recruiters have trusted people, and when these people recommend a candidate, they tend to trust their judgment and give this candidate an upper hand.

By improving your network, you may also be introduced directly to the recruiters, which will give your application an edge and hasten the reply. Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with employers in company’s you’d like to work in and get acquainted with each other.

Also Read: People You Need to Follow on LinkedIn if You Are Looking for a Job

Do not Provide a Specific Salary in Your Application

Most job applications, especially those completed online, will require you to put in an expected salary. The figure you put may be the reason you’re not getting a reply or a reply fast enough. A specific figure can rule you out of a job even before getting a chance to be interviewed. A figure higher than what the recruiter expects to pay will make your resume to be put aside.

Learn: How to Answer Desired Salary Interview Question? (With Examples)

Instead of putting a specific figure, you should be as vague as possible so you get called for the interview. Even when you feel you deserve that pay, it is best to leave it aside for now; you can justify your worth during the interview.

Put things like open to negotiation, or include a range or off figures like $0 or $1. This would let the recruiter know you’re open to negotiating the salary.

Also Read: What Are Your Salary Expectations? How To Answer


Finally, put all the worries of not hearing back from a job application to rest by following this guide and learning when is the ideal time to hear back and what you can do to prove your chances of getting a quick and positive reply to your application.